Share your sultry selfies in our VIP FB group!
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Looking for a community where you can yourself?
Look no further.
Our Facebook group called the DFW Bombshell Lounge, is the place where you can finally make a post and not worry about being judged or attacked in the comments.
Where you can post a selfie (sans makeup!) and actually feel like a badass.
Where you can go for a pick-me-up and good energy on the daily.
Where nearly 5k other women are actually lifting each other up
When you need a reminder that you are allowed to be real, to be human, to be flawed.
And where we ALL embrace our Sultriness!
Oh yeah, we also do lots of other fun stuff!
G!veaways (can anyone say free photoshoot?!)
Monthly Top Contributor Pr!zes (hellooooo kate spade bags!)
Affirmation Posts
Virtual Classes with Experts (makeup artists, posing couches and more!)
In Person Events (Studio Open House coming up!)
and so much more!
We aren't your average boudoir group.
I'm not here to constantly sell you (ew.)
I created this group because yeah, it's my business, but I wanted to create the space I could never find on the internet. The one where I wasn't nervous to post in or worried that I would be shamed somehow. Where I actually felt comfortable to showcase me being me.
I always say that even if you never step foot inside my studio, if I have created a space that you can feel comfortable in, then I've done my job. Period.
So let me be the first to welcome you. Click the button to join and introduce yourself - you're in good company.
“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”
-Coco Chanel